
October 10th, 2011

Buy in: 3x
5 Push ups => 5 Tuck Jumps => 25m Carioca => 5 Wall Balls=> 25m Carioca

Skill Work: Pull-ups!


5 Clean Backsquats (PVC Front)
25m Bear Crawl
5 Pull ups
100m Run


Thursday October 6th, 2011

Buy in: 5 mins
Burpee => Angry guerrilla walk => tire jump => angry walk => frog jumps => angry walk => broad jumps

Skill work: Deadlifts

WOD: 3 - 5 rounds
200m run
5 Monkey holds
10 Deadlifts
15 Squats


Monday, October 3rd, 2011

 Buy in: 3x
Army Crawl 10m => Crab walk through pull-up bars => 1 Rope Climb => 30 secs of Jumping rope.

Squat Relays:
Round 1:
1 person completes 9 Hang Cleans & 9 Thrusters and runs to tag partner
2nd persons completes 9 Hang Cleans & 9 Thrusters and runs to tag partner
Round 2: 7 Jumping Jacks & Frog hops
Round 3: 5 Push ups & Roving Planks
Round 4: 3 Burpees & Lateral hops
Round 5: 1 Perfect Squat (All the steps) & 200m Run